Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


Call for Corporate Training

A. Course Description  Learn the fundamentals of data collection using industry-leading tools like ODK and Kobo Toolbox. Design and implement efficient data collection tools, manage workflows, and ensure data quality. Master mobile-based data collection and offline survey management. Unlock the power of Python for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization. Learn popular libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and […]


Financial Technology

The growing fintech movement is transforming the financial industry–from disrupting conventional models to generating new revenue streams. FinTech is impacting various aspects of the financial system and these developments are creating unparalleled opportunities to drive digital innovation and transform financial services. These also present new challenges for financial stability and financial supervision. To tap into […]


Web development

Web design and development. Content: Web Development Training Content 1. Introduction to Web Development 2. HTML Basics 3. CSS Styling 4. JavaScript Fundamentals 5. Front-End Frameworks and Libraries 6. Back-End Development 7. Version Control and Deployment 8. Advanced Topics and Best Practices 9. Capstone Project Conclusion By the end of this training, participants will have […]